is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization under DeMolay International and dedicated to preparing young men to lead successful, happy, and productive lives. Basing its approach on timeless principles and practical, hands-on experience, DeMolay opens doors for young men aged 12 to 21 by developing the civic awareness, personal responsibility and leadership skills so vitally needed in society today. DeMolay combines this serious mission with a fun approach that builds important bonds of friendship among members in more than 1,000 chapters worldwide.
The young men of DeMolay learn real life experiences by deciding what types of events they want to do, and then project managing it through to completion. They learn how to create budgets, organize fundraisers, volunteering in their communities and supporting various charitable organizations like organizing clothing drives or sending care packages to troops overseas all while building life-long friends and having fun.
This website accompanies our Team App smartphone app available from the App Store or Google Play. Download Team App now and search for Frederick Chapter Order of DeMolay to enjoy our team app on the go.
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12:20pm - 2:30pm, 22 Mar
7:30pm - 8:30pm, 25 Mar
all day, 5 Apr
7:30pm - 8:30pm, 8 Apr
7:30pm - 8:30pm, 22 Apr