
by Castro, Jenn
Posted: 3 months ago
Updated: 3 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: None
Ends: 11:59pm (duration is 1 day)


We will be having a digital fundraiser through Panda Express.

What does this mean? This means that anyone across the country can order Panda Express through their mobile app and enter our specific code (924165). Panda Express will donate 28% of the sales that enter our code (924165) to our Chapter.

How long is the fundraiser? Our fundraiser runs all day on July 9th. From when Panda Express opens til it closes. You just need to order your food for pick-up or delivery through the app or online and enter our code (924165).

It is IMPERATIVE that we advertise this fundraiser to everyone!! Send it in an email to friends and family across the country, print copies and hand them out to neighbors and co-workers, post on social media. Parents, please help your sons advertise our fundraiser, and help get the word out.

We are encouraging the Frederick Chapter families to order dinner and pick it up before our meeting and join us to eat Panda Express while having a movie night at our meeting. You can pick up at a Panda Express near you or one in Frederick. Just please enter our code (924165) so that we get credit for your purchase!!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!!

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