
NJB Trivia Night & Lock-In

from 6:00pm Sat, 21 Sep
to 8:00pm Sun, 22 Sep

by Peter Ruesing
Posted: 6 days ago
Updated: about 24 hours ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: America/New_York
Reminder: None
Ends: 8:00pm Sunday 22 September 2024 (duration is 1 day)

NJB is going to be hosting a trivia night and lock in at Mt.Ararat lodge September 21st-22nd. If you only want to participate in the trivia night it lasts from 6:00pm-8:00pm and the lock-in starts from 8:00pm- 8:00am the next day.

Please respond if you would like to go so we can arrange rides if needed.


Mount Ararat Lodge No 44 Af & AM


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  • [2024-Sep-12 10:26 AM] Peter Ruesing: Updated

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